Fete Ideas for Schools: Make Your School Event Unforgettable


Fete ideas for schools

Fete ideas for schools are endless! Whether you’re looking to raise funds, celebrate a special occasion, or simply bring the community together, a school fete is a fantastic way to do it. With a little planning and creativity, you can throw a school fete that will be fun for everyone involved.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Creative Classroom Decorations

Fete ideas for schools

Transform your classrooms into vibrant and festive spaces that ignite excitement and inspire creativity. Adorn the walls with colorful streamers, balloons, and handmade decorations crafted by students. These festive touches will create a lively atmosphere that fosters a sense of celebration and community.

Encourage students to participate in the decoration process, fostering their imagination and artistic skills. Let their creativity shine through as they contribute to the festive transformation of their learning environment.

DIY Classroom Decorations

  • Paper Lanterns:Guide students in creating vibrant paper lanterns using colorful construction paper, glue, and string. These lanterns can be hung from the ceiling or windows, casting a warm and inviting glow.
  • Origami Animals:Engage students in the art of origami by teaching them to fold paper into whimsical animal shapes. Display these creations around the classroom, adding a touch of whimsy and creativity.
  • Chalkboard Art:Provide students with chalk and encourage them to create vibrant chalkboard drawings on designated walls or blackboards. Let their imaginations run wild as they illustrate scenes, quotes, or abstract designs.

Classroom Ambiance

Complement the festive decorations with a playlist of upbeat and cheerful music that sets a positive tone for learning. Encourage students to contribute to the playlist, fostering a sense of ownership and creating a shared musical experience.

Fun and Educational Games

Fun and educational games are a great way to engage students and promote learning. They can help students develop teamwork, problem-solving skills, and creativity.There are many different types of games that can be used in the classroom. Some popular options include scavenger hunts, trivia contests, and relay races.

  • Scavenger huntsare a great way to get students moving and exploring their surroundings. They can be used to teach a variety of topics, such as history, geography, and science.
  • Trivia contestsare a fun way to test students’ knowledge on a particular topic. They can be used as a review activity or as a way to introduce new material.
  • Relay racesare a great way to promote teamwork and competition. They can be used to teach a variety of skills, such as running, jumping, and throwing.

Festive Food and Treats

Indulge in a delightful culinary experience that complements the joyous atmosphere of the school fete. From tantalizing snacks to delectable desserts, we’ve curated a menu that caters to every sweet tooth.

Each treat is meticulously crafted with the finest ingredients, ensuring both taste and nutritional value. Let the flavors dance on your palate as you savor the sweetness of the celebration.

Kid-Friendly Snacks

  • Fruit Kebabs: A vibrant display of fresh fruits skewered on colorful sticks, offering a healthy and refreshing treat.
  • Mini Pizzas: Bite-sized pizzas topped with an assortment of kid-friendly toppings, providing a savory and satisfying option.
  • Pretzel Bites: Warm and crispy pretzel bites served with a variety of dipping sauces, adding a touch of salty goodness.

Decadent Desserts

  • Cupcakes: An array of colorful cupcakes adorned with whimsical decorations, offering a sweet and playful indulgence.
  • Ice Cream Sundaes: Scoops of creamy ice cream topped with an assortment of sprinkles, sauces, and whipped cream, creating a delightful treat.
  • Fruit Tarts: Delicate pastry shells filled with a medley of fresh fruits, providing a refreshing and elegant dessert.

Refreshing Beverages

  • Lemonade: A classic summer staple, freshly squeezed lemonade offers a thirst-quenching and revitalizing beverage.
  • Fruit Punch: A vibrant blend of fruit juices, creating a refreshing and colorful drink that delights all ages.
  • Water Station: Stay hydrated throughout the festivities with a dedicated water station, ensuring everyone can enjoy the fun without thirst.

Musical Entertainment

Music has the power to set the mood and bring people together. For a lively and engaging fete, consider incorporating some musical entertainment into the festivities.

One option is to create a playlist of upbeat music that will get people moving and grooving. You can also hire a DJ to keep the energy levels high and create a lively atmosphere. If your school has a band or choir, they could perform for the guests.

Live Music

If you have the budget, hiring a live band or DJ can be a great way to add excitement to your fete. Live music can create a more interactive and engaging atmosphere, and it can be a lot of fun for guests to dance and sing along.

Photo Booth Fun

Capture the excitement and create lasting memories with a photo booth at your school fete. Provide a range of props and backdrops to encourage students to express their creativity and share their joy.

Consider setting up a designated area with ample space for posing and taking pictures. Ensure there is good lighting and a backdrop that reflects the theme of your fete.

Props and Backdrops

  • Funny hats, masks, and glasses
  • Giant inflatable props like animals or characters
  • Custom backdrops with the school logo or event name
  • Green screens for virtual backgrounds

Themed Activities

Fair craft fete school stall christmas summer crafts spring arts dowel stalls choose board

Transform your school fete into an extraordinary experience by introducing a captivating theme that aligns with the interests of your students. Dive into a world of wonder and imagination, where each activity sparks curiosity and ignites a love for learning.

Embrace the vibrant colors and thrilling rides of a carnival, empowering students to explore their playful side. Embark on a superhero extravaganza, where they don their capes and unleash their inner heroes. Or embark on a literary adventure, where the pages of beloved books come alive, fostering a passion for reading and creativity.

Customize each activity to seamlessly align with the chosen theme, ensuring a cohesive and engaging experience for all attendees.

  • Carnival Extravaganza: Host a ring toss, beanbag toss, and face painting station, evoking the joyous atmosphere of a traditional carnival.
  • Superhero Extravaganza: Set up an obstacle course, superhero photo booth, and craft station where kids can create their own superhero masks and capes.
  • Literary Adventure: Organize a book character dress-up contest, a storytelling corner, and a book swap, encouraging students to embrace the magic of literature.

Volunteer Opportunities

Empower students by engaging them as active participants in the fete’s planning and execution. This fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, transforming them from passive observers to active contributors.

By delegating age-appropriate tasks, students develop valuable leadership, teamwork, and organizational skills. They also gain a deeper understanding of the behind-the-scenes efforts that make the fete a success.

Planning Committee

  • Recruit a group of enthusiastic students to form a planning committee.
  • Involve them in brainstorming ideas, setting up decorations, and planning games and activities.

Day-of Helpers

  • Assign students to assist with various tasks on the day of the fete, such as:
  • Greeting guests and providing information
  • Managing game stalls and ensuring safety
  • Assisting with food and beverage sales

Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising is an integral part of any school fete, providing crucial funds for various school projects and activities. By incorporating creative and engaging fundraising ideas, schools can not only raise funds but also foster a sense of community and involvement among students, parents, and the wider school community.


Games are a classic and enjoyable way to raise funds at school fetes. Consider organizing carnival-style games like ring toss, beanbag toss, or a dunk tank. These games can be simple to set up and operate, making them suitable for all ages and abilities.

Encourage students to participate by offering small prizes or incentives for successful attempts.

Raffles, Fete ideas for schools

Raffles offer a chance for participants to win exciting prizes while contributing to the school’s fundraising efforts. Sell raffle tickets at the fete or in advance, offering a range of prizes such as gift vouchers, electronics, or experiences. Ensure that the prizes are attractive and relevant to the school community to encourage participation.

Sales of Student-made Crafts

Showcase the creativity of your students by selling their handmade crafts at the fete. This can include items like paintings, pottery, jewelry, or baked goods. Not only does this provide a platform for students to express their artistic talents, but it also generates revenue for the school while fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment among the young creators.

Safety Precautions

To guarantee a safe and joyous event for all participants, implementing essential safety measures is paramount.

Establish clear guidelines and protocols for emergency situations, ensuring all attendees are informed and prepared to respond appropriately.

Crowd Management

  • Designate specific entry and exit points to control the flow of attendees and prevent overcrowding.
  • Establish clear pathways and walkways to minimize congestion and potential hazards.
  • Provide ample seating areas to prevent overcrowding and ensure comfortable movement.

First Aid and Medical Assistance

  • Have a designated first aid station with trained personnel readily available to handle any medical emergencies.
  • Ensure easy access to first aid kits and essential medical supplies.
  • Establish a clear communication system to alert medical personnel promptly in case of emergencies.

Fire Safety

  • Identify and mark all fire exits and ensure they are unobstructed and easily accessible.
  • Install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers throughout the venue.
  • Conduct regular fire safety drills with all staff and volunteers to ensure familiarity with emergency procedures.

Community Involvement

Fete ideas for schools

Fostering a sense of unity and support within the school community is essential for a successful fete. Inviting local businesses, organizations, or community members to participate not only enhances the event but also strengthens the bond between the school and its surroundings.

By partnering with local businesses, schools can offer a wider range of products and services to attendees, such as food, drinks, games, or entertainment. These businesses can also contribute financially to the event, helping to offset costs and generate additional funds for the school.

Community Organizations

Community organizations can provide valuable support by volunteering their time and resources. They can assist with setup, cleanup, running games or activities, or providing entertainment. This not only reduces the burden on school staff and volunteers but also fosters a sense of community ownership and involvement.

Community Members

Individual community members can also contribute to the fete’s success by donating items for raffles or silent auctions, providing their skills or expertise, or simply attending the event and supporting the school. Encouraging community members to participate in the planning process ensures that the fete reflects the needs and interests of the local community.


With these fete ideas for schools, you’re sure to have a successful and memorable event. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your school fete today!

Essential Questionnaire: Fete Ideas For Schools

What are some creative classroom decorations for a school fete?

You can transform your classrooms into festive spaces with colorful streamers, balloons, and handmade decorations. Get creative and let your students help with the decorating!

What are some fun and educational games for a school fete?

Design engaging games that promote teamwork, problem-solving, and learning, such as scavenger hunts, trivia contests, and relay races.

What are some festive food and treats for a school fete?

Create a menu of kid-friendly snacks, desserts, and beverages that add a touch of sweetness to the celebration.

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