Calendar Ideas for EYFS: Nurturing Learning and Development

Calendar ideas for eyfs

Discover an array of calendar ideas for EYFS that transform learning into an engaging and meaningful experience. From daily routines to special events, these ideas empower you to create calendars that foster cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development.

Whether you’re an educator or a parent, this comprehensive guide will inspire you to incorporate age-appropriate activities, seasonal changes, and cultural celebrations into your calendar planning.

Calendar Creation

Creating calendars for EYFS can be an engaging and educational activity. Here are some simple and creative methods to try:

Paper Calendars

Use construction paper or cardstock to create simple calendars with large numbers and bright colors. Encourage children to decorate the calendars with stickers, drawings, or photos.

Nature Calendars

Take advantage of the natural world by creating calendars using leaves, sticks, or flowers. Mark the days with natural materials like stones or shells.

Digital Calendars

Use digital tools like Google Calendar or online calendar apps to create interactive calendars. Add events, reminders, and images to make them more engaging.

Interactive Calendars

Create calendars that allow children to interact with them. Use movable pieces, magnetic numbers, or Velcro to make them hands-on and fun.

Age-Appropriate Activities

Calendars can provide opportunities for engaging and developmentally appropriate activities that support EYFS children’s learning and development. It’s crucial to select activities that align with their cognitive, physical, and social-emotional needs.Adapting activities to meet the developmental needs of EYFS children involves considering their age, interests, and abilities.

For instance, younger children may require more hands-on, sensory-based activities, while older children can engage in more complex and challenging tasks.

Cognitive Development

Counting and number recognition

Incorporate activities that involve counting objects, identifying numbers, and recognizing number patterns.

Shape and color recognition

Engage children in activities that help them identify and name different shapes and colors.


Introduce puzzles, games, or scenarios that encourage children to think critically and find solutions.

Physical Development

Gross motor skills

Include activities that promote gross motor development, such as jumping, running, and climbing.

Fine motor skills

Engage children in activities that strengthen fine motor skills, such as threading, cutting, and drawing.

Coordination and balance

Introduce activities that enhance coordination and balance, such as hopping, skipping, and balancing games.

Social-Emotional Development

Sharing and turn-taking

Create opportunities for children to practice sharing and taking turns through games or activities.

Emotional expression

Encourage children to express their emotions appropriately through art, music, or role-play.

Social interactions

Provide opportunities for children to interact with each other through group activities, discussions, or play.

Daily Routine

Establishing a daily routine is crucial for young children in EYFS as it provides a sense of structure, predictability, and security. It helps them understand the flow of the day and what to expect, reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of well-being.

To make routines engaging and meaningful, involve children in creating them and incorporate activities that align with their interests and developmental needs. Use visual aids, such as picture charts or timetables, to help them visualize the routine.

Sample Calendar

Here’s a sample calendar that incorporates a daily routine for EYFS:

  • Morning:Arrival, free play, group time (e.g., circle time, story time, singing), outdoor play
  • Lunchtime:Lunch, tidy-up, wash hands
  • Afternoon:Quiet time (e.g., reading, puzzles, drawing), small group activities (e.g., construction, painting), outdoor play
  • Home Time:Tidy-up, departure

Special Events

Special events add excitement and variety to the EYFS calendar. They provide opportunities for children to learn about different cultures, traditions, and holidays. Special events can also be used to promote social and emotional development, as they encourage children to interact with each other and adults in a positive way.

When planning and organizing special events for EYFS, it is important to consider the age and developmental stage of the children. The event should be age-appropriate and engaging, and it should provide opportunities for children to learn and grow.

Ideas for Special Events

  • Seasonal events: These events celebrate the changing seasons and can include activities such as nature walks, planting flowers, and making crafts.
  • Cultural events: These events introduce children to different cultures and traditions. They can include activities such as tasting different foods, listening to music, and learning about different customs.
  • Holidays: Holidays are a great time to celebrate with children. They can include activities such as singing songs, making crafts, and playing games.
  • Special days: These days are dedicated to celebrating a particular person or event. They can include activities such as reading books, watching movies, and having discussions.

Benefits of Celebrating Special Events

  • Provides opportunities for children to learn about different cultures, traditions, and holidays.
  • Promotes social and emotional development by encouraging children to interact with each other and adults in a positive way.
  • Helps children develop a sense of community and belonging.
  • Provides opportunities for children to express their creativity and imagination.
  • Makes learning fun and engaging.

Seasonal Changes

Incorporating seasonal changes into calendars is a fantastic way to connect children with the natural world. By observing the changing seasons, children can learn about the cycles of life, weather patterns, and the importance of adapting to different conditions.There are many ways to incorporate seasonal changes into calendars.

One simple way is to use different colors or symbols to represent each season. For example, you could use green for spring, blue for summer, orange for autumn, and white for winter. You could also include pictures of seasonal activities, such as planting seeds in the spring or building a snowman in the winter.

Activities and Resources, Calendar ideas for eyfs

There are many activities and resources that can be used to reflect the different seasons. Here are a few ideas:

  • Spring: Planting seeds, observing new growth, taking nature walks, and reading books about spring.
  • Summer: Playing outside, swimming, going on picnics, and reading books about summer.
  • Autumn: Raking leaves, going apple picking, carving pumpkins, and reading books about autumn.
  • Winter: Building snowmen, sledding, ice skating, and reading books about winter.

Connecting with Nature

Connecting children with nature is important for their overall development. It helps them to learn about the world around them, develop a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world, and develop important life skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.There

are many ways to connect children with nature, and using a calendar to track seasonal changes is a great way to start. By observing the changing seasons, children can learn about the cycles of life, weather patterns, and the importance of adapting to different conditions.

Holidays and Festivals

Calendar ideas for eyfs

Incorporating holidays and festivals into your EYFS calendar is a wonderful way to celebrate diversity, foster cultural awareness, and create a sense of belonging for all children.

When selecting holidays and festivals to include, consider the cultural backgrounds of the children in your setting. This will help you create a calendar that is inclusive and representative of all families.

Cultural Significance

Each holiday and festival has its own unique cultural significance. By explaining these traditions to children, you can help them develop an understanding and appreciation for different cultures.

For example, you could talk about the importance of Diwali to Hindus and Sikhs, or the significance of Chinese New Year to Chinese families.

Activities and Resources, Calendar ideas for eyfs

There are many different ways to celebrate holidays and festivals in an EYFS setting. Here are a few ideas:

  • Create a display about the holiday or festival, including traditional decorations and artifacts.
  • Read stories and sing songs related to the holiday or festival.
  • Cook traditional foods from the culture being celebrated.
  • Invite parents and community members to share their cultural traditions with the children.
  • Provide opportunities for children to dress up in traditional clothing or make their own crafts related to the holiday or festival.

By celebrating holidays and festivals, you can create a rich and diverse learning environment that will help children develop a sense of belonging and an appreciation for different cultures.

Weather Patterns

Weather patterns are an essential part of our lives, and they can have a big impact on our daily routines. By observing and recording weather patterns, we can learn to predict what the weather will be like in the future, which can help us plan our activities and stay safe.Weather

patterns are caused by the movement of air masses. Air masses are large bodies of air that have similar temperature and humidity. When two air masses with different temperatures and humidity meet, they can create weather fronts. Weather fronts can cause a variety of weather conditions, including rain, snow, thunderstorms, and tornadoes.

Observing and Recording Weather Patterns

There are many different ways to observe and record weather patterns. One simple way is to keep a weather journal. In your weather journal, you can record the date, time, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. You can also make note of any precipitation that occurs, such as rain, snow, or hail.Another

way to observe weather patterns is to use a weather station. Weather stations can measure a variety of weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. Weather stations can also record data over time, which can help you track weather patterns.

Importance of Weather Awareness for EYFS

Weather awareness is important for EYFS because it can help them to stay safe and healthy. By understanding weather patterns, EYFS can learn how to dress appropriately for the weather, and they can avoid activities that are dangerous in certain weather conditions.Weather

awareness can also help EYFS to learn about the world around them. By observing weather patterns, EYFS can learn about the different types of weather that occur in their area, and they can learn about the causes of different weather conditions.

Growth and Development

Calendar ideas for eyfs

Tracking children’s growth and development is essential for ensuring their well-being and providing them with the support they need to thrive. A calendar can be a valuable tool for recording and monitoring children’s progress over time.There are a number of different milestones that can be tracked on a growth and development calendar, including:

  • Physical development, such as height, weight, and head circumference
  • Cognitive development, such as language, problem-solving, and memory
  • Social and emotional development, such as self-regulation, empathy, and cooperation

Tracking these milestones can help parents and educators identify any areas where a child may need additional support. It can also be a valuable way to celebrate a child’s progress and achievements.In addition to tracking milestones, a growth and development calendar can also be used to record activities and resources that support children’s development.

This can include things like:

  • Developmental screenings
  • Doctor’s visits
  • Educational activities
  • Social and emotional activities

By recording these activities and resources, parents and educators can create a comprehensive picture of a child’s development and ensure that they are receiving the support they need to reach their full potential.

Learning Objectives

Align your calendar with specific learning objectives to make the most of this valuable resource. By incorporating these objectives into your calendar activities, you can ensure that every day is a step towards your educational goals.

Here’s how to do it:

Integrating Learning Objectives

  • Identify the learning objectives you want to address.
  • Create calendar activities that directly relate to those objectives.
  • Incorporate hands-on experiences, discussions, and other engaging activities that support the objectives.
  • Use the calendar as a visual reminder of the objectives you’re working on.

Curriculum-Aligned Calendars

Here are some examples of calendars that support different curriculum areas:

  • Literacy:A calendar that focuses on letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and vocabulary building.
  • Math:A calendar that includes activities for counting, number recognition, and basic operations.
  • Science:A calendar that explores different science concepts, such as weather, plants, and animals.
  • Social Studies:A calendar that introduces students to different cultures, holidays, and historical events.

Parent Involvement: Calendar Ideas For Eyfs

Calendar ideas for eyfs

Involving parents in their child’s early years education is crucial for the child’s development and success. Parents can support their child’s learning by providing a stimulating home environment, engaging in their child’s play, and attending school events.

A calendar that encourages parent involvement can help to foster this connection between home and school. The calendar can include information about upcoming events, activities, and resources that parents can use to support their child’s learning.

Activities and Resources, Calendar ideas for eyfs

  • Family Nights:Host regular events where parents can come to school to learn about the curriculum, meet the teachers, and participate in activities with their child.
  • Parent Workshops:Offer workshops on topics such as child development, positive parenting, and how to support your child’s learning at home.
  • Home-School Communication:Use the calendar to share information about what children are learning in class, as well as tips and resources for parents to use at home.
  • Volunteer Opportunities:Encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom or at school events.

Last Point

Embrace the power of calendars to create a stimulating and supportive environment for EYFS. By incorporating these ideas, you’ll not only track time but also cultivate a love for learning, nurture their growth, and create lasting memories.

FAQ Compilation

What are the benefits of using calendars for EYFS?

Calendars provide a visual representation of time, helping children understand the concept of days, weeks, months, and seasons. They also promote cognitive development, language skills, and social-emotional growth.

How can I adapt calendar activities to different ages?

Consider the developmental needs of each age group. For younger children, focus on simple activities like counting days or identifying colors. As children get older, introduce more complex activities like tracking weather patterns or exploring different cultures.

How do I involve parents in calendar planning?

Invite parents to share their ideas and experiences. Create a shared calendar where they can add important dates or events. Encourage them to participate in calendar-related activities at home to reinforce learning.

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